Modern British Army items and vehicles have tended to be overlooked until recently, only the Challenger tank family and the Warrior getting any real coverage in model form. With that said Gecko Models seems to have taken on the challenge and started releasing a good number of vehicles, figures and equipment for the modern British Army fan. The set looked at here offers Modern British Army Weapon and Personal Equipment set in 1/35th scale.
This offering from Gecko Models arrives in an end opening carton, but inside of this is a sturdy flip top cardboard tray. Here you will find four bags containing the parts for the model and a fifth bag containing a photo etched fret of slings for that finishing touch. An examination of the contents raises no concerns. The contents offered are:
L119A2 with UGL x 3
L119A2 x 3
L119A1 X 3
L119A1 with torch x 3
L119A1 with UGL x 3
L85A2 with UGL ACOG x3
L85A2 Late LDS x 3
L85A2 early SUSAT x 3
L85A2 with ACOG x 3
L22A2 x 6
L110A2 with folded orextended stock x 3
L129A1 x 3
L131A1 x 3
L131A1 in holster x 3
L105A1 x 3
L105A1 in holster x 9
LLM Mk3 x 9
LLM01 x 12
Equipment wise you have everything from back packs to knee pads
As you can see from this list there is a good mix of weapons, some of which I did not know we used. The moulding of the various parts is good being cleanly done. The muzzle of the weapons will benefit from some work with a drill as they have not been slide moulded. Removal of the parts should be easy enough but take care not to damage the barrels on some of the weapons. The high point for these weapons is that each and everyone has been supplied with a photo etched sling which not many companies can boast. There is not a great deal more to say on what is a useful selection of parts for dressing up your modern British infantry or vehicles.
This offer from Gecko Models is likely to be very well received as Modern British Army weapons have been an expensive purchase in resin where the after market is concerned. This set addresses the need of the modeller with plenty of options for each weapon type and even includes sights for extra weapons. This is one of those sets that every modeller into modern vehicles will find having it to hand a big plus.