1:48 MiniArt New Kits MiniArt Allied Jerry Cans WW2 MiniArt-Models posted on 2 years ago — updated on 2 years ago 2,029 views New MiniArt kit is coming soon, 1/48 #49003 Allied Jerry Cans WW2 Unassembled Plastic Model Kit in 1:48 ScaleBox contains models of 45 Jerry Cans YOUR REACTION? 39 AWESOME! 5 LOVED 5 NICE 2 HELPFUL 5 PASS SUPPORTER ADVERTISEMENT You may also like D-944 PSZH in 1/35 from Balaton Modell 0 0 0 Meshes for MTO for T-72 and T-90 models 0 0 0 Cow Skulls & Donkey Carcass 0 0 0 German Soldiers in 75mm Scale 0 0 0 MiniArt 35423 Stuart Mk.I "Honey" Early Prod. w/Sun Shields 0 0 0 German & Italian Tankers in Small Scale 0 0 0