Mobile Strike Force Command, or MIKE Force, was a key component of United States Army Special Forces in the Vietnam War. They served with indigenous soldiers selected and trained through the largely minority Civilian Irregular Defense Group (CIDG) and were led by American SF and Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV) personnel.
Mike Force's missions were intended as multipurpose reaction units and to act as a country-wide quick reaction force for securing, reinforcing, and recapturing CIDG A Camps, as well as to conduct raids, special reconnaissance patrols. Mike Force also conducted operations gathering intelligence, disrupting/eradicating VC/NVA activities in remote areas, search and destroy missions and bomb damage assessments (BDA). Mike Forces wer especifically designed for employment under short reaction time conditions and short duration missions, not prolonged combat engagements.
After B6-35346 MIKE FORCE (1), BRAVO*6 released the second kit of the series. B6-35347 includes 2 figures of the special unit served in Vietnam War.

Kit is served in BRAVO*6 standard two-figure cardboard box showing a photo of the figures painted by Vladimir Demchenko, also the sculptor. Figure bodies and small parts of each figure are inserted into seperate small transparent zip-lockbags. Casting is clean and sculpting details are sharp. There is no casting mistakes, significant seamlines or excess resin on parts. They can be easily removed from sprues and no extra cleanwork before assembly.
Poses and body proportions are well sculpted. One of the figures is the U.S.Special Forces member of the team as the other is an indigenous member. This figure is sculpted shorter in height and has an Asian appereance.
Both members wear tiger stripe camouflage uniforms of jacket with two breast pockets, no waist pockets like OG-107 shirt, trousers with two rear and two side pockets. They have H-harness and ammo pouches on both sides are sculpted on the figures. U.S. member carries a 3 pocket tropical rucksack. A small scarf is cast on his neck and other has a bigger scarf. Uniform details , cloth folds and wrinkles, details of harness and utility belt are well defined.
Facial features and head gear are well represented. One has a boonie hat, the other has a wide brim hat upfolded on left side.
Arms of the U.S. member are posed to grab his M-16 rifle with right hand in stock. Indigenous member carries an M1 carbine on left with a pointing right arm.

Two sprues are given for the field gear including ;
- One quart canteen in canvas cover - 3 pieces
- M1911A1 in leather holster
- First aid / small arms pouch - 2 pieces
- XM 991 Flashlight
- Bayonet in scabbard - 2 pieces

This is another nicely sculpted and fluently cast figure kit from BRAVO*6. Naturel and realistic poses, well defined uniforms and gear, ease on assembly and correct fit as in all figures of the company makes it a recommended kit. They can be used together with other MIKE Force figures or any other Vietnam War figures.
For more information and other products of company; please visit