MAC48008 Watch Tower and Checkpoint Stuff

The kit is based on the existing ones in Iraq, although it has been used in the same format or with slight changes in other countries of the East.
The kit is made with acrylic resin, is very similar to plaster, but much harder, if you want to break and damage, the result is much more real and similar to concrete.
Total height 140 mm (5.51 in)
Base 48 x 48 mm (1.89 x 1.89 in)
The tower consists of 3 sections and can be raised with the MAC48006 kit.
The kit contains the following elements:
The tower, 1 short and 1 long Jersey barriers.
4 jerrycans, 3 metal barrels, 2 plastic drums, 4 traffic cones.
MAC48009 Metal Barrels

MAC48010 Jerrycans

MAC48011 Traffic Cones

MAC48012 Check Point Stuff

MAC48013 Plastic Drums

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