SMM3565 Larkspur Antennae and Bases

The Larkspur range of radios was the standard radio system used by the British Army and other countries. The first equipment was issued in the mid-1950s. It remained in service until replaced by Clansman in the late-1970s, although some elements of Larkspur were still in use, well into the 1980s.
The system started development at the end of WW2, in response to the shortfalls learnt during the conflict with the then-current No.18 and No.19 Wireless sets. The range of sets originally comprised the vehicle VHF sets C42, C45, B45, B47, B48 and the C13 vehicle HF transceiver.
Larkspur was used in a wide range of vehicles from Land Rovers to Centurions and Chieftain. Masts on vehicles were made up of 4-foot lengths, screwed together, normally two for a mobile vehicle.
The maximum diameter of the Larkspur mast (which tapered slightly towards each 4-foot joint), was just 0.38 inch/9.6mm = 0.27mm in 1/35. The joint between the sections at 1/35 won’t be seen. It is difficult to see them at 1/1.

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