At the end of the 1930’s the Italian Regio Esercito (Royal Italian Army) began to deploy self-propelled artillery guns to provide support for tanks and infantry units. The ‘Semovente’ 75/18 was developed on the back of the ‘M’ series medium tank hull and soon became the most feared Italian armored vehicle. In addition to its primary artillery role, the 75mm howitzer installed in the casemate proved to be a highly effective anti-tank weapon, capable of destroying even the most powerful and heavily armored British and American tanks. During the war however, the Italian Regio Esercito requested the development of a version with increased offensive capability. The 75/34 cannon which was originally designed for an anti-tank role, was fitted to the hull of the M42 self-propelled tank. The initial units of which, were distributed to the Italian Army in the spring of 1943. As a result of its effective operational performance, it was also used by German anti-tank battalions after the armistice in September 1943.
The kit has decals for six decorations and instructions in color.