1:35 Hobby Boss New Kits Modern Hobby Boss: Russian BMD-2 tatbaqui Editor posted on 1 year ago 4,114 views Hobby Boss is set to release its 1/35 scale kit of this airborne infantry fighting vehicle in November. 80155 Russian BMD-2 (1/35) YOUR REACTION? 72 AWESOME! 17 LOVED 10 NICE 2 HELPFUL 26 PASS SUPPORTER ADVERTISEMENT You may also like Rochambelles Women Figures 0 0 0 Soviet armored tractor KhTZ-16 0 0 0 Conversion kit for KAMAZ from Zvezda 0 0 0 2cm Gebirgs Flak 38 0 0 0 RT-Diorama Swift Vegetation Trees! Wave.01 0 0 0 How to: RT-Dioramas New Camo Foliage Sets 0 0 0