This release from MiniArt is provided in one of their end opening cartons, which I am not a fan of as they are so easily damaged during transit. The contents are provided in a single plastic bag, and covers 4 machine gun set-ups and supporting elements. An examination of the contents reveals no obvious issues are regards moulding quality. However, I am a tad surprised that while slide moulding has been incorporated it has not been utilised to have a recess in the end of the barrels for all of the weapons.
You get a good representation of the machine gun, on its bi-pod with 2 types of ammunition container, an ammunition belt, a tube that stores replacement barrels and a photo etched sling for the weapon is also included along with a drum magazine.
The MG34 included in this release, is provided in 2 options - 1 set on an elevated tri-pod, and the first one I am looking at now is on a bi-pod. This particular release does not include a spare barrel for the weapon, which I believe should be a common inclusion as they were switched out as they heated up in use to prevent barrel wear and rounds going off inside the barrel due to the heat. What you do get included in this release, is a drum magazine attached to the weapon and again a very nice photo etched sling, the supporting elements consist of a belt ammunition container and the twin drum ammunition carrier. The other MG34 on the tri-pod is what I have always considered to be the anti-aircraft set up - still has the bi-pod which is now folded, a drum magazine is again fitted - again no spare barrel is included, but a drum magazine carrier is present.
The final weapon included in this release as an MG37 heavy machine gun, which is not a weapon that I know a lot about and I do not believe was that common in the field. This MG is mounted on a tri-pod stand, which I believe usually has a seat, but that aspect does not seem to be replicated in this offering. What you do get with this weapon is 2 belt magazines and a spare belt. Photo etch is utilised on this item to refine detail on the item.
You are provided with 2 of the MG34s on the bi-pod set-up and the also 2 MG42s again on the bi-pod set-up. The release overall is pleasing but I would have liked to have seen most spare barrels provided, as these were a common aspect of the weapons. However, I do particularly like that MiniArt has included photo etched slings with the release.