Some of these boxes had rope handles, which are replicated with thin thread. To help modellers assembling them, Eureka XXL includes a threader where needed, making the task much easier.
E-078 Wooden ammo crates for 4 pcs. German Panzerfaust 60 or 100. Set contains following elements in 1/35 scale: 4 resin parts, a section of thread and a threader to help pull the thread through the holders in the crate.

E-079 Wooden ammo crates for 4 pcs. German Panzerfaust klein 30. Set contains following elements in 1/35 scale: 4 resin parts, a section of thread and a threader.

E-080 Wooden ammo crates for 30 pcs. German hand grenade “Eihandgranaten 39“. Set contains following elements in 1/35 scale: 5 resin parts.

E-081 Wooden ammo crates for 15 pcs. German hand grenade “Stielhandgranaten 24“. Set contains following elements in 1/35 scale: 5 resin parts and section of thread.

E-082 Wooden ammo crates for 8 pcs. German 8 cm Raketen-Vielfachwerfer. Set contains following elements in 1/35 scale: 4 resin parts, a section of thread and a threader