Einsatz Arnheim deals with the battle between the German armoured forces and their British and Polish opponents in and around Arnhem.
This book has 536 pages, more than 500 photos, documents and illustrations, some never before published, and about 100 full-colour maps and diagrams to illustrate the text.
A wide range of sources were used, including official German records, Allied documents, reports, interviews and diaries of the soldiers involved and eye-witness accounts from civilians. The German perspective of the battle at Arnhem became clear after discovering and deciphering the war dairy (Kriegstagebuch) of the 9. SS-Panzer-Division.
Meanwhile, on the British part, the War Diary of the Headquarters of the Royal Artillery revealed much insight into the unclear fighting especially in the final days. This data was analysed and combined with what can be seen in photos and film. It provide a clear overview of the fighting. An interesting story emerged about the famous Battle of Arnhem with several new insights.
You can get more information on the book and how to order at Einsatz Arnheim website