The „Brückenleger M48“ was the standard bridge laying tank of the Bundeswehr, originally made in the USA, before phased out in the 1970s for the „Biber“.
The base was the armored hull of the M48 with six roadwheels and a rubber-padded steel track.
This model has been produced with the help of a well-known manufacturer and it is not a new form from Das Werk.
Improvements and changes were added, especially for the Bundeswehr-specific parts, such as the Leitkreuz, parts of the lighting system, indicators, rear-view mirrors and cuppolas for the crew.
- Product Name: Brückenlegepanzer M48 A2 AVLB
- Item Number: DW35025
- Available (Asia & Europe): end December 2021
- Highly detailed static plastic model
- All specific German Army details represented
- Bridge can be built in any position
- Belt type tracks included
- 4 Bundeswehr & 1 Belgian Army decal options