Hi Pals,
For this occasion, something different, "the opposite side of the cannon", something with a Germanic flavor (more Soviet armor will arrive for lovers of them).
It is the Tiger II, perhaps together with the Tiger I, the most iconic armored vehicle in the German arsenal, if not the entire IIWW, IMHO ...
To try to represent him, I have assembled and finished the kit offered by Zvezda in its Henschel version.
The kit is quite complete, just see the box that contains it, which is immense.
I do not remember great difficulties for its assembly, the instructions in general are good and the fit as well.
It includes some interior parts in the turret, rather the barrel, but they are very basic, so I have not spent too much time, rather to try to make interiors, for more complex kits than if they include detailed interiors, for later.
I have included the tow cables made with twisted copper wire, as the kit includes a thread, very little showy ...
A metallic ABER antenna for the end, a spare MG34, a metal frontal machine gun and some helmets.
The painting has been a bit challenging, as it is my first tritone camo, and I have tried many tones until I found the one that made me feel most comfortable, so I have had to clean at least 3 times ... a very boring and annoying process ... at least I didn't have to throw it away ... lol
Once "the balance" was found, the weathering process began, with oils basically, and acrylics for the chips. A little vegetation in spots and especially on the inner sides, and some mud at the bottom of the hull, nothing too intense.
Never perfect, but I think the result is very close to what I like to see in other models, only to improve for the next ...
Thanks for watch and comment as always.
Cheers and TC