Universal Carrier Mk.1

The Universal Carrier Mk.1 saw a lot of combat in World War 2 and this second offering from Gecko Models in 1/16th scale is worthy of a closer look; It also builds to a size that does not take up huge amounts of space.


Big is beautiful or so the story goes and in that light Gecko Models has released the second of the Universal carriers in 1/16th scale and this time it’s the Mk.1 making an appearance. Anyone who has seen the Mk.2 Universal Carrier will have some idea of what they will find here and for everyone else I think you will be pleased. To start with packing is excellent and should ensure that this release reaches you in the condition intended by Gecko Models.

Start by just taking a look at the images included here and some stunning detail can be clearly and easily seen. Looking at the moulded on detail and I am really impressed with what I have found and see; I cannot find fault in what is present here beyond some large gates which I accept due to the parts needs. Inside and out this really is a pleasing model as regards what’s presented. I like that Gecko Models has supplied chain link and metal cable which is a plus.

The suspension is workable but the plastic springs could easily be damaged once it is seated as the modeller wants and so select and set in my advice. The tracks are individual links secured with pins; this will work well enough but I would have preferred metal pins to make everything more robust. So if you take care and don’t mess with the end result all should be good. The wheels are another area of note here as there is a subtle texture to the rubber element that looks very realistic.

I did find one location where the desire for finesse has resulted in damage occurring and that is the radio guard rails where four of the rails is broken. My advice here would be to repair them on the sprue and let it set up firmly before attempting to remove’ failing that I have found Gecko Models to be good when it comes to replacement parts. One other option worth consideration is to remove the guard rails from the side rails and make your own from spare photo etch or thin metal sheet.

Another area worthy of individual mention is the small arms provided in this release. With the Universal Carrier being well known by the term Bren Gun Carrier you will find Bren guns in the mix but these are not alone as a Sten gun, Thompson MG and Lee Enfield rifles. These have been slide moulded and I am very pleased with how they look; these are also finished off with photo etched slings which is always a nice touch. When looking through the pictures take a good look at the tools provided as they are worthy of a close look and should please.