Read review, 'Tanks on Iwo Jima 1945', Osprey New Vanguard 329

An award-winning US Marine Corps armor historian's account of the role of US and Japanese tanks on Iwo Jima. 48 pages, all inclusive, with tables, colour plates and profiles, first person accounts, and new photographs of this lynchpin battle in the Pacific.

The battle of Iwo Jima is iconic and known for its brutality: this was the only battle in which the number of US casualties outnumbered those of the Japanese. But as is often the case with the Pacific campaigns, the tank action on the island has generally been overshadowed by that of infantry. The tank, however, played an important role as a support weapon – especially on the US side – despite the rough terrain and unconventional enemy tactics.

Using unpublished official records and veterans' accounts, award-winning USMC armor specialist Romain Cansière sheds new light on Japanese and USMC armored operations on the island. This book offers new information on the battle in a complete, concise, and accessible format, and its illustrations include unpublished photographs from private collections and meticulously researched new color profiles, highlighting the tanks' modifications and their diverse camouflage and markings.*

Table of Contents



The Japanese

The Americans

Tank Destroyers


Japanese antitank weapons

Tank and antitank guns

Infantry-borne weapons

Land mines

USMC improvised tank armor

Modifications for Iwo Jima

Amphibious tanks


Amphibious tanks

75mm half-tracks



Surviving tanks



Not a long book, I read this in a morning over a coffee, and thoroughly enjoyed it, cover to cover. Worth a mention, prior to the introduction to the subject, there is a brief paragraph about the author and the illustrator, inside the front cover that personalizes both and their contribution to the book. 

The book itself is not long and is pure content, there is no waffle here, and the text is on point all the way through. Both sides are given equal coverage, there is no politics here, and the narrative is well supported by images, side bar explanations, first person accounts, and new images from personal resources. I particularly liked how images are credited to the person, for example there are a number of photographs from Sergeant Major Bert Neve, among others.

By identifying individual soldiers, where known, and this is throughout the book, makes it more personal rather than another dry book on a well-covered subject.  

There is good analysis of the capabilities of both attacker and defender, just take a look at any of the many tables throughout the book, case in point, page 15, 'Japanese mines technical data and capabilities', a model Type 2 two-horn hemispherical, antiboat [sic] had 18kg of explosives and 'can destroy Sherman suspension system'. 

Not being a long book, there is little value to rambling on, suffice to say, a good title, well written, and an easy read, this serves as a good reference on, and introduction to, the subject of tanks on Iwo Jima. 

* Definitely a good description of the book, which lives up to the billing. 

Basic, but shows relevant informantion clearly, I did not appreciate there were three airfield on the island.

Colour profiles 1

Explanation to above

Colour profile 2

Colour profile 3

words with a table,

another example

dramatic artwork!