Before the Assault Easter Ukraine 2022

Here we take a look at one of ICM's multi kit packages titled Before the Assault Easter Ukraine 2022.


This introduction is as supplied by ICM:

Full-scale combat operations that began in February 2022 posed a severe and serious challenge for the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the outset. During the summer and autumn of 2022, the main focus was on the Eastern operational zone, which became a theatre of high-intensity military actions. Alongside manoeuvre warfare, Ukrainian Defence Forces employed assault tactics aimed at dislodging the enemy from fortified areas and strongpoints. There were also assaults on populated areas, arguably the most challenging aspect of modern warfare. The intensity and complexity of these assaults were evidenced by areas changing hands multiple times. To execute assault missions, besides specially trained fighters, a variety of forces and means were utilized—from armoured vehicles to FPV drones. According to soldiers’ feedback, successful assaults relied on meticulous planning, terrain study, direction of movement, evacuation routes, and anticipation of enemy forces and their firepower intensity.


This offering from ICM arrives in the usual flip top cardboard tray, with a separate card lid. Inside there are 3 plastic bags, 2 of which cover the figures the third containing the parts for the vehicle. An examination of the parts reveals that the figure sprues and the vehicle sprues are very clean and free from any issues of note. As usual access for removal of parts is good, gates are reasonably sized, and the usual caution of care when removing parts from the sprue apply. 

The Kozak-2 has been released on a few occasions now, and I am not aware of any criticisms of it at this time. The model features a multi part chassis, I do wish that the leaf spring suspension elements were not supplied in 2 halves. The axle detail, and supporting structures look good, but there is no engine detail in this release. Looking to the interior, the seats have a nice level of detail in them including the adjustment structure. But there is no harness detail, which is a shame as ICM has included a small photo etched fret for this release. Other than that issue I am happy with what is included on the interior, and as usual decals are provided for dash board details. The clear parts included with the model are acceptable with regards to clarity, but the bullet resistant glass will need to be  tinted as bullet resistant glass in tinged green. 

I like that painting detail is pointed out on the instruction sheet as you progress through the build. Some holes in the body work need to be opened up, but these locations are pre marked and ICM has provided the drill size required. The bodywork of the vehicle comes together in a series of panels, and so care will need to be taken during assembly to make sure that everything is correctly located and orientated. The doors of the vehicle can I believe be shown open or closed, as separate details are provided for the inner and outer surfaces including again the use of decals where required. The mine resistant panel deflector on the underside of the vehicle is well detailed. Something that will be considered a negative by some modellers is the use of vinyl rubber tyres, but the tread detail present on them is very pleasing. Exterior detail on the vehicle as regards attached elements and tools is very pleasing considering the ICM does not as a rule supply photo etch, grab handles and tie down points could be replaced with scratched metal detail if required if the modeller desires. The reason that I raise the issue of the grab handles, is I know how easily these can be distorted when removing them from the sprue. The turret on the roof of the vehicle has nice detail inside and out, again you will need to remember to tint the glass and the MG/cannon on the roof will need the muzzle opened ideally. 

ICM has provided 4 finishing options for this release, and these are:

KOZAK-2, 35th Separate Marine Brigade of Ukraine, January 2021

KOZAK-2, 36th Separate Marine Brigade of Ukraine, August 2021

KOZAK-2, Reconnaissance Unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, November 2022

KOZAK-2, An unknown unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Autumn 2022

3 Decal sheets are included, 2 of which cover the digital camouflage with the third providing external markings and registration plates. 

The figures included in this release are 35752 - Quietly came Quietly Went, 2 of the figures from the 35755 War has No Gender and the final 3 figures offered I am unsure of their origin, but this provides a driver, a gunner for the turret and somebody using binoculars to have a look around. The figures are cleanly moulded, and have good detail as regard armour plating. The cloth elements of the uniform, where the crease detail is concerned. Some of the torsos look a little stiff, but that could be a combination of the armoured plates and the fact that they are not connected to their legs, so their stances are unclear. The 2 figures from the War has No Gender release, shows them operating drones which has become a big part of the war in Ukraine. But the drones included are observational versions rather then weaponised. The Quietly came, Quietly went figures are relaxed poses, rather than in combat, With 2 standing and 2 kneeling. 6 different main small arms are offered for these figures, which are duplicated across 2 sprues and a missile system is also included, which looks a bit like a LAW the non extendible version, but I do not believe that I am accurate in that description and I have looked through several weapons systems used in Ukraine that are man portable and I have been unable to locate a system that is accurate to what I can see in this release. A nice touch with the figures releases, is that the camouflage for the uniforms is covered in a square on the instruction sheet, with the colours identified.


This offering from ICM is a nice collection of releases covering a war that is very much in people’s minds at this time. The vehicle detail is good as regards components, which the negatives being for me the lack of harness detail and for some the inclusion of vinyl rubber tyres, but I believe that after markets versions are available to rectify this as desired. The figures provided are a nice mix, which while from several sets work well together and as a whole it should make for an interesting scene and I suspect that this offering will prove popular as it brings quite a lot together for around £45.