Ehrhardt armored car

Ehrhardt armored car from Copper State Models.

Ehrhardt armored car

Ehrhardt armored car from Copper State Models. Built out of the box, the only thing added are the cables for the headlights. This is the first kit of this vehicle in plastic in 1/35. It has previously been available as a resin kit from White Storm. As I preordered the model I got a book of the history of the vehicle and the use of armored car in the German army of WW I.

The kit comes in a sturdy box with a clear building description and a large decal sheet with markings for different German vehicles as well as markings for those captured and used by the poles. There is no engine or interior provided except for the steering wheel, a couple of decals for the dashboard and some details for the interior of the doors. Different stowage boxes are included so it is possible to build different version of the vehicle. Some cars have pioneering tools on the outside, no such are provided. However, adding them should not be a problem.

The build is straightforward although a small amount of filling is need in some places. The painting instructions shows a couple of camouflage vehicles although most are in a single color. According to the book provided, there was at least nine different shades of green and grey that the German army referred to as field grey. In addition, the vehicles were repainted several times. A reference photo in the book shows the interior to be white with the doors in body color. I painted the model with Tamiya and Humbrol colors and weathered with AK products.

Interestingly, the armored cars at that time were already equipped with four-wheel drive. The response of the military at the introduction of armored cars is also noteworthy: Armored vehicles? Can´t be any future in that type of weapon. Maybe good for patrol duty.  

 A photo etch set is sold separately as well as some other parts. There are also some figures available from CSM that corresponds to ahistorical photo of the vehicle in use by the Freikorps.