ОТ-34/76 World War 2 Soviet Flame Thrower Tank

Here we look at the ОТ-34/76 WW2 Soviet Flame Thrower Tank from ICM in 1/35th scale.


ICM has released a new version of their T-34/76 in the ОТ-34/76 WW2 Soviet Flame Thrower Tank version. There are a number of new moulding with this release and the packing is better in my opinion resulting in better odds of the model reaching you in good order. So let’s take a look at what this model now offers.


This offering from ICM of the ОТ-34/76 WW2 Soviet Flame Thrower Tank is provided in the now usual packing offered by ICM of a flip top cardboard tray with additional card lid. The model parts are supplied in a re-sealable plastic bag with a loose instruction booklet that protects the decals inside. An examination of the parts reveals clean mouldings with hidden ejector pin marks. Access for removal is generally good and only requires care be taken with fine mouldings. One area that has gained interest of late are the size of the gates between sprue and part and I am pleased to say the size is good and the numbers limited.

The interior is limited to driver and machine gunners seats plus the full rendition of the flame thrower. Issues are found here as the machine gunners seat should not be present so it seems and the fuel mixture for the flame thrower takes up some of the space made. The lower hull is the same as previous releases but with two styles of road wheel which does appear to be accurate as are the stations indicated for their placement. One think I do not like is the tracks as they are vinyl rubber and each side is made of two lengths, but with that said the detail is of a very good standard.

The upper hull is a simplistic aspect of the model when it comes to construction, but it could always be further dressed up with after market photo etch if desired. What I do like in this area are the grab handle rails are separate parts and so look better and provide areas for securing stowage. The box style fuel tanks on the rear are not something that seems to be that common, but it’s up to you if you add them or not. Stowage boxes look good and should meet requirements. What does seem odd is the absence of fuel drums on the track guards which is something I always associate with the T-34.

The turret is a new addition in this release and has a much reduced casting texture which looks better than the previous release, but then again it is also a new style. I have done some digging and the turret does appear to be an accurate representation of a hard edged hexagonal turret as produced in 1942, but I will be staying out of if this as regards accurate for the vehicles as I learnt that the T-34 is a minefield of options. Inside the rear of the main gun and turret machine gun provides a reasonable content if the hatches are going to be displayed open. I am again pleased the grab handles are separate pieces, but upset that the barrel of the main gun is supplied in two halves. The tow cables are good in that they have separate eyes but I would lose the vinyl cable and replace it with wire of your choice.

The finishing options for this model are:

ОТ-34/76,509th Independent Flamethrower Tank Battalion, summer 1943

ОТ-34/76,509th Independent Flamethrower Tank Battalion (marking variant), summer 1943

ОТ-34/76, factory test period, 1943


The model is fairly simplistic where assembly is concerned and I will be honest and say I was ready to be disappointed with this release, but it is not that bad. Details seem well replicated even if I question some aspects of accuracy. The tracks in vinyl rubber and supplied in four lengths are something I am not keen on but I cannot fault the detail present. The main gun barrel being in two halves is another area that I feel could easily be better. In closing despite rising prices this could I feel be a nice looking model for its cost and of course aftermarket items could be used to further enhance the base model.