Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
New set of German clothes and resin accessories for Sturm-infanteriegeschutz 33 Auf. Pz III and 1/72 M4A1 Halftrack
Wings & Wheels Publications revamped their old T-72 photo reference book... This is a completely new issue with Russian, Czech and Polish production variants. Available soon.
Volume 24 of Peko Publishing's WW2 Photobook Series is now available.
Get your AFV Modeller May - June 2023 issue -- out by the the 20th of this month.
David Egrebor and his truly stunning diorama Imperial Japanese Army Light Armoured Car Type 94 TK Burma 1942 Pacific Theatre of Operations. Just like so many other countries, the Japanese military officials were ensnared by the tankette fad, during the th...
New 1/16 StuG III Ausf. G early with Winterketten
New Skoda 30,5cm M191 howitzer disassembled for transport, plus the Daimler M17 Zugwagen
Scorpion Miniature Models started a new venture... a modeling book series. The first book is authored by Ian Wright and M.P. Robinson and deals with early Centurions. Check it out!
An apolitical, balanced analysis of Arab and Israeli armour in the Six Day War, 1967 where Israel out fought three armies.
New MiniArt kit is coming soon, 1/35 # 35396 German Soldiers In Cafe
ROMAN PLATE ARMOUR is a recent release from OSPREY PUBLISHING. It continues a range of titles focusing upon weapons, equipment and kit of the legionaries of Imperial Rome.
Rado Miniatures's latest 1/35 and 1/16 products cover various markings and insignia templates, as well as StuG grills, and 3D-printed period water hand pumps.
DEF Models offers two metal replacement barrels for US M4 Sherman 76mm series.
MacOne Models released a set of resin replacement tires for Toyota FJ43 kits from AK Interactive.
Bill Cross reviews Osprey's new book about the Third Battalion, 506th Airborne of the 101st Airborne in Vietnam during 1968.
New Dragon Premium Edition (2 in 1) Panther Ausf. G with lots of extras.