Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 t with 8.8cm Flak
New aftermarket items in 1/35 scale from Royal Model include two weapon sets and a replacement head set for US tankers in Vietnam.
A new multimedia kit from Royal Model is an industrial forklift. Check it out!
Royal Model continues to release accessory items in 1/16 scale.
Rabin Thaver and his astonishing work on the Takom Merkava 1 Hybrid on crowd control Named after the ancient Hebrew war chariot, Israel’s Merkava tank was forged by experience on the battlefield as well as the painful political realities facing the Jewis...
Panzer Shop offers an array of 1/35 scale Praga light tanks in various configurations in service under different armies.
Available from SOL Model Corp. is its 1/16 scale Sherman turret mounted with the 105mm howitzer.
A soft skin this time from Ace Model, available as a 1/72 scale kit.
WWII US Tank Crew in 1/72 and 1/48 scales, available from Royal Model.
A 1/35 scale 3-in-1 kit which includes parts of M2A4 Bradley IFV, M-SHORAD Bradley Short Range Air Defense Vehicle and M2A3 Bradley.
Zvezda has released another nice offering in 1/35th scale of a Soviet Artillery Tractor with BM-13 “KATYUSHA”.
I was very intrigued when I saw a new tooled Topol-M ICBM from Hobby Boss and was wondering what it is going to be like if I am being honest with everyone here, I was quite shocked when I learned the price, so let us look and find what is really like and...
New MiniArt kit is coming soon, 1/35 #35371 Tempo E400 Hochlader Pritsche. German 3-Wheel Delivery Truck
Model: 35599 Scale: 1/35
Model: 72709 Scale: 1/72
Dragon has re-issued 3 of their Jagdpanzer 38(t), adding a metal barrel and new persicopes.
Macone presents a Modern Equipment Kit for the AK-Interactive Toyota FJ43