Model Miniature AMX-10P Driving School
New Model Miniature complete resin kit of AMX-10P driving school at 1/72 scale.
Trumpeter: It's Still a 1/16 German Tiger...
Trumpeter's October release announcement was for an early production Tiger II, specifically Fgst.Nr.280009. This however is not the case now, as what has rolled out is a late production Tiger I.
Hobby Boss: Panzerträgerwagen in Braille Scale
Hobby Boss' 1/72 scale release in December.
Trumpeter: German Sd.Kfz. 251/22 and NASAMS
Big scale kits as the new normal? Trumpeter follows up with another WWII German half-track in 1/16 scale. For modern era modelers, a NASAMS kit in 1/35 scale will be available. Both are slated for December release.
Green Flare
World War II Soviet Officers posed to start an infantry attack towards enemy.
Eureka XXL German Ammo Crates
Eureka XXL has new crates for Panzerfaust, grenades and more.
M113 Roadwheels from DEF
DEF Model announced three 1/35 scale sets of 3D printed M113 wheels.
Voyager Photoetch for M103A1
Voyager has a new set of Photoetch for Takom kit of US M103A1 Heavy tank
Lanmo Sd.Kfz 221 Engine
Lanmo announces the engine for the Sd.Kfz 221 and off road wheels
Pz.Kpfw. V Panther Ausf. A 233 Pz.div. Großdeutschland Panther 233
Adie Roberts continues his inspirations to help inspire modellers of all abilities to work out of their comfort zone building dioramas or just trying new builds.
Medium Wrecker Truck M62 Wrecker Crane and Accessories
This is a simple walkaround focusing on the Wrecker Crane and Accessories of the 5-Ton 6 X 6 Medium Wrecker Truck M62/G744, as she appeared in December, 2021.
38071 Calvados Sellers
New MiniArt kit is coming soon, 1/35 scale #38071 Calvados Sellers
Another Austeyr from Grey Fox
Grey Fox Concepts released a new set of Austeyr rifles.
Modern US Army PELICAN™ M249 Machine Gun Case
Here’s another review of Eureka XXL’s Pelican cases, this one dealing with a case specifically designed to fit M249 machine gun.