Matho Models New Products
Matho Models presents new Warning & Danger Signs, Warning Floor Markings, Shop Front Signs B and PE Letters 1,5 - 2,0mm
Gecko Models - Air Portable Fuel Container
Already seen as cargo in one of Gecko’s 6x6 All Terrain Mobility Platform (ATMP) series of models, they are now releasing these separately for diorama purposes. There are 4 such containers in the box.
Spoils of War
The Bodi offers a new figure set, combining four of their previously released figures into a vignette-in-a-box scene from WW2.
Husky Mk.III WMMD w Interrogation Arm
AFV Club is updating their Husky Mk.III kit with vehicle-mounted crane system designed to investigate and remove Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).
Braille Bridges
NOCH announces these bridges as additions to their hard foam range, along with archeological sites, and a cemetery.
Braille Scale Camo Masks
Available from J'sWork are 1/72 scale camouflage masks for WWII German AFVs.
Otto Skorzeny
The Bodi released a new figure in 1/35 scale depicting a famous German Obersturmbannführer.
Captain, "Grossdeutschland"
Presenting the latest bust kit from Alpine Miniatures.
Books on the Greyhound, Sherman, and More
Upcoming titles from David Doyle Books covering US armor and softskins of WWII and Vietnam eras.
Wheels for Spähpanzer Luchs
OKB Grigorov has released a braille scale wheel set for this German 8x8 amphibious reconnaissance vehicle.
WWI Lewis Gunner
Mitches Military Models is soon to release a British Lewis Gunner in 120mm scale.
Operation Banner
Mitches Military Models adds two more figure kits to its series featuring British Army units that served in Northern Ireland during the 1970s / 80s.
Weathering Masks
Aside from photo-etched sets, Voyager Model also offers tools under its TEZ Series. Released this month are masks to simulate surface wear / usage such as rust flow, mud, and paint damage.
PE Sets for M728 CEV, Willys Jeep, and More
Voyager Model's January releases cover WWII and modern subjects -- detail sets for armor and softskins.