New MiniArt Kits Available ✅ February 2023
The newest kits have received status “Available” and we are starting to ship orders to our Distributors 🚚
Stugna-P - Ukrainian anti-tank guided missile
CMK have released a mixed-media kit of Ukraine's Skif/Stugna-P ATGM system.
MG 3 Machine Gun - vehicle-mounted variant (2 pcs)
New from CMK comes a pair of highly detailed 3D-printed MG 3 machine guns.
DioBros K200A1 IFV
Diobros is a new company whose first kit will be the Malaysian Infantry Fighting Vehicle K200A1
Drums and Crates releases new 1/35 accessories for dioramas.
Drums and crates releases two different kits of dioramas accessories: Baskets and Crates, and Food supplies
LZ Models British North Africa Figures
New North Africa British Army figures from LZ Models
Incoming M113 Tracks from DEF
DEF Model is working on the new set of 3D printed tracks for Academy/Tamiya M113... both normal and damaged rubber pad versions are planned as a March release.
Royal Model: WWII US Tank Crews in 1/16
Royal Model continues to release big scale figure kits, this time sets with two partial figures depicting US WWII tankers.
Armorgator Armorgeddon
The Panhandle Miniature Figure Society (PMFS) and the Gulf Coast Chapter of AMPS, the "Armorgators," are hosting their first joint contest at the Santa Rosa County Auditorium on 15 April 2023 from 9 AM to 4 PM. This is in Milton FL (near Pensacola). The e...
More Modern Korean Troops from H3 Models
H3 Models continues to release modern day Korean troops in both 1/35 and 1/16 scale.
MiniArt U.S. Soldiers In Cafe
New MiniArt kit is coming soon, 1/35 #35406 U.S. Soldiers In Cafe
Hobby Boss: GAZ AAA, Tiger II, and Smerch MLRS
Hobby Boss announced three new kits for March 2023 release.
Trumpeter: StuG. Ausf. G in 1/16
Trumpeter shares further information and images of its latest big scale kit.
Trumpeter: March Releases
Next month's new 1/72 and 1/35 scale kits from Trumpeter.
Royal Model: Assorted Hands
New from Royal Model - a set of ten hands in 1/16 scale.