Leopard 2A6 Armed Forces of Ukraine

Leopard 2A6 Armed Forces of Ukraine
Here we look at another Leopard 2A6 from ICM but this time in 1/72nd scale.


The following introduction is as supplied by ICM:

Since the summer of 2023, Leopard 2A6 tanks have been in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They actively participate in battles in the east and northeast of Ukraine. Some of them undergo specific modifications due to the nature of modern combat. Recent combat engagements have imposed new requirements, particularly improving protection against shaped charge munitions and attack drones. To address this, additional protective elements in the form of grids are added to the combat vehicles. Solid screens of various types are also used to protect the running gear. The Leopard 2A6 tanks of the Ukrainian army undergo such modifications, and several of these combat vehicles were seen in action in the fall of 2023.


This offering from ICM of a 1/72nd Leopard 2A6 has its heritage in Revell’s sphere. An examination of the contents reveals the main tank itself is the Revell offing, originally released in 2011 with some new parts from ICM to show a vehicle in use with the Ukrainian forces in current conflict. The Revell side of the argument provides the hull of the model and builds up in a typical fashion. The turret is also tackled in the usual manner. I have only one real complaint and that is the gates are quite large, and access is not as easy as it could be when freeing parts from the sprue. The suspension of the model is quite nicely detailed especially for 1/72nd scale. I do have some concerns about the tracks, as they are provided as injection moulded plastic that will need to be heated and bent around the suspension elements - which does not rate highly with me. 

The general details covered on the hull appear to be of reasonable scale and appearance, and so no real issues here. I like that the turret has a single piece barrel and so avoids the issues of assembly and clean up that could be present. The armour package on the Revell side of this release meets my expectations. The ICM portion of this release is an unexpected inclusion, as you get a very finely detailed photo etched fret in order to add slat armour around the turret, and the mounting brackets in plastic for that side of things. Also from ICM is a nicely detailed decal sheet, with a good number of options on it.

ICM has provided 4 finishing options, however, all 4 are just titled as Leopard 2A6 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


This offering from ICM, I find a little disappointing. Not because of the base kit being a Revell release, or for that matter the photo etch or decals from ICM themselves. My disappointment is that no details on what the 4 finishing options represent, and is an aspect that I suspect many modellers will find a disappointment. This is a real shame considering the amount of effort ICM has put into the very fine photo etch slat armour and the decal sheet itself.  I do not know about scale accuracy, but visually it is pleasing.