Tempo A400 TieFlader Pritsche 3 Wheeled Beer Delivery Truck

Here we take a look at the next offering of the Tempo A400 TieFlader Pritsche 3 Wheeled truck in 1/35th scale from MiniArt and this time performing the role of a beer delivery wagon.


MiniArt has released many forms of the Tempo A400, so many that I cannot remember exactly how many there are. The model is provided in a cardboard tray, with a separate card lid inside of which is an instruction booklet and a sealed bag containing all of the other elements. Anyone who has read my reviews knows that I am not a fan of trying to stick everything inside of one packet, especially decals and photo etch due to the risk of damage. 

The model its self, if you haven’t seen one of the previous releases is a gem of a kit due to exceptional detail throughout the model. The engine for the vehicle is very well detailed, right down to cabling should the modeller wish to add it. The engine is mounted directly above the front wheel, and so rotates as you steer the vehicle. MiniArt has included a great deal of detail inside the engine bay, and if you are going to take the effort to model all of the detail - I would take the time to display it. 

This is one of the flat bed version of the Tempo A400, and so you have a triangular chassis frame that extends from the floor of the cab and a simple wooden bed is mounted to this along with mud guards. The cab is a fairly simple affair and again MiniArt has not skimped on the detail, with the battery for the vehicle being mounted under the seat. The controls for the operator are all as you would expect, and while designed for 2 people in the modern day you has better like each other, due to the minimal space. The bonnet/hood is a well done single piece moulding, with the option of 2 photo etched grilles, either with or without the company logo. The retaining system for the bonnet/hood has been replicated using photo etch and so offers a very good scale and detail. Beer barrels that have also been released in the beer barrel set have been included, with you getting 2 large and 4 small barrels to place into the bed of the truck. MiniArt has provided 3 finishing options for the model:

Berlin, 1939 to Late 1940s

Berlin 1940s

Hamburg, 1940s


If you have never tackled one of the Tempo A400 models from MiniArt, I have one word of caution and that is make sure you are comfortable using and bending photo etch as while this material adds a lot of detail it does requires its own skill set. The detail provided throughout the model cannot be faulted by me as everything I would want is present. The finishing options are particularly colourful due to the beer signage on the body of the vehicle, with all 3 options being very different.