Armorgator Armorgeddon

The Panhandle Miniature Figure Society (PMFS) and the Gulf Coast Chapter of AMPS, the "Armorgators," are hosting their first joint contest at the Santa Rosa County Auditorium on 15 April 2023 from 9 AM to 4 PM. This is in Milton FL (near Pensacola). The event is open to the public and will display some of the finest modeling talents in the region, in addition to providing vendors, historical re-enactors, modeling technique demonstrations and a raffle.

Tanks for the Memories

The AMPS side of the event features armor (tank) and armor-related models in a large variety of categories, from World War I to the present. The PMFS participants highlight miniature figures in all scales in both historical and fantasy categories. PMFS operates its competition under the Chicago “Open System” (Gold, Silver, Bronze) in which entries are judged independently on merit. The AMPS side of the contest will be an officially sponsored AMPS event and feature all AMPS categories (except Masters and Figures) and be peer judged by AMPS rules.

The event is being held to raise awareness of the hobby and provide an outlet for modelers and figure painters to present their work to the general public.

General admission is $5, with families paying only $10. Contest participants pay $20 to register with up to five different entries, and options are available for entering additional models or figures.

For more info, see the AMPS chapter website: Armorgator Contest

We also have FB pages:
