Despite Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a good number of model companies have been able to start production again - MiniArt is one such company, and I am sure they would appreciate your support. The model arrives in a single plastic bag, where the decals are floating around loose and so could easily be damaged and is one area where I will pick them up. Packing all of the parts in a single bag with MiniArt’s releases becoming slowly but surely more refined means that in my opinion they need to start considering refining their packaging, but due to the war I will obviously overlook this problem. Access to the parts is good, but the finesse of some parts means that care will need to be taken during removal.
This release is a simple wooden four wheeled cart, which I believe is the second time I have seen it. The bed and rear axle has a nice level of detail to it and for those who want to do something out of the ordinary could be used as a pattern for making a full size wooden cart from looking at the parts. The front axle is on a pivot steering point this is simplified by a metal pin connecting the steering portion of the cart and two metal rings attached to opposite faces to given the axle something to steer on. I would also imagine this is a highly greased area of the cart and so you will have fun painting and weathering it. A wooden bench seat is at the front of the cart and I believe could be used separately from the tractor by attaching a horse harness to the front. Assembly is a straight forward process with the only difficulty being some very small and fragile pieces that could easily be damaged or lost. This offering really will make for a nice two horse cart with the towing pole being the part you need to add and I also feel this would be a good additional release by MiniArt in time. Six finishing options are included in this release covering the period from before until after World War 2.
This is a pleasing offering for anyone looking for a large addition for a diorama either being towed, used as a static addition or even as a barricade. The detail moulded on the parts is of a very pleasing standard and with painting and weathering will make for a pleasing addition to any suitable scene. The lack of ejector pin marks is pleasing and so limited cleanup is required.