Vallejo Soviet and German Color sets with Figures

Red Army Scouts 1943-45 and Waffen-SS Tank Crew, Kursk 1943 are the new figure color sets from Vallejo Acrylics, and they include a figure.

This set includes an exclusive 1/35 scale figure sculpted by Taesung Harmms sold representing a Red Army soldier belonging to a reconnaissance unit.

He wears the regular late war army uniform, plus the "Ameba" camouflage poncho, characteristic of this type of units

This set contains x8 Model Color paintings:

  • A base color to paint the Red Army uniforms, for the "Ameba" camouflage and for the "Aoeba" camo stains.
  • Two colors to shade and brighten any base colors and paint the leather boots.
  • Exclusive 1/35 Alpine Miniatures Figure.

The other new set has 8 acrylic colors for  Waffen-SS Tank Crew, Kursk 1943 , including also a figure of a German tanker.