Afrika Korps Searching for the Grail 'Inspirations' by Luigi Fusco

Adie Roberts continues his inspirations to help inspire modellers of all abilities to work out of their comfort zone building dioramas or just trying new builds.

A stunning diorama from Luigi Fusco (Fusco Models) Afrika Korps Searching for the Grail a fantastic diorama the Vollkettenschlepper Praga T IX fully tracked Prime built in Slovakia (this kit is from a company called M.G.M. A German company that sadly I don't believe are still producing any kits anymore all of there kits were resin. 

After the occupation of Czechoslovakia by Germany in March 1939 further production of this vehicle was assumed by Germany and after completion an additional series of 10 vehicles was also produced. Production ceased completely in 1943 by which time a total of 76 T-9 tractors had been manufactured between 1937-1943. The tractors that were taken over by the Germans assumed the name of Vollkettenschlepper Praga T IX, 16 of the tractors produced were supplied to the Turkish army whilst the Germans took 55 for themselves leaving Slovakia with a grand total of five where they were used to tow the newly provided 88mm anti-aircraft guns in the Slovak Fast Division.