Spanish Pegaso 3055 Truck

Segundo Martinez builds the Pegaso 3055 truck from Nimix as a vehicle from Infantería de Marina, with some specific features.

This model is, from start to finish, a delight. It is especially appreciated that the manufacturer provides the parts almost perfectly clean, which saves considerable time in the construction. 

In my case, I have tried to recreate one of the Pegaso 3055 trucks belonging to the Compañía de Transporte del  Grupo de Apoyo Logístico de Combate del Tercio de la Armada (Transport Company of the Combat Logistics Support Group of the Tercio de la Armada), back in the years 1980/90.

It has been necessary to adapt the kit, raising the engine intake and building an elevated exhaust pipe, which allowed the vehicle to ford almost its own height. 

The tarpaulin has also been rebuilt and the typical mimetic netting of the period has been added.

The canvas hooks on the outer sides of the body, the winch  located under the nose, with its hook and chain, as well as additional details on the door handles are all scratchbuilt. 

The bumper was also completely rebuilt.

During the construction phase, trying to glue the exhaust pipe, the truck slipped out of my hands and suffered a serious accident, aggravated by the weight that all that resin has. Even having broken some parts beyond the joints with CA, a day in the workshop and large doses of self-control and patience were enough to put it back in operation.