Chevrolet G7107 & Studebaker US6 Interior Decals from Quinta

Quinta Studio released colored interior decals for two Allied WW2 trucks, both 1/35 scale kits from ICM.

Chevrolet G7107 3D-Printed & coloured Interior on decal paper (for ICM kit)

1/35 Chevrolet G7107 3D-Printed & coloured Interior on decal paper (for ICM kit)

Article: QD35035

Price: 6€

Available to buy on Quinta website:

Also available on:

Studebaker US6 3D-Printed & coloured Interior on decal paper (for ICM kit)

1/35 Studebaker US6 3D-Printed & coloured Interior on decal paper (for ICM kit)

Article: QD35036

Price: 6€

Available to buy on Quinta website:

Also available on: